Cyber Risk Management

Cyber Risk Management helps businesses and decision-makers establish the likelihood of any cyber-related attacks they are vulnerable to.

It is an ongoing process of identifying, analysing, evaluating, and addressing your organisation’s Cyber Security threats.

Our team will identify your business requirements and implement a Cyber Risk Management strategy.

COMPTEC I.T’s strategy consists of the following stages:

  • Identification – evaluate the organisation’s environment to identify current or potential risks affecting business operations.
  • Risk assessment – analyse the severity of each identified risk, how likely it is to occur, and the impact if it does.
  • Risk control – define methods, procedures, technologies, or other measures that can help the organisation mitigate the risks.
  • Review controls – evaluating, on an ongoing basis, how adequate controls are at mitigating risks and adding or adjusting controls as needed.

Cyber Risk Management is a continual process. As the Cyber Threat landscape evolves, it is essential to review the controls periodically to ensure they are still fit for purpose and make changes as required.