Cyber Attack Cyber Security Cyber Threats Malware

Ongoing Social Engineering Campaign Targeting Businesses with spam emails and phone calls

🔍 What’s Happening? ⚠ Attackers overwhelm users with spam emails, primarily newsletter sign-up confirmations from legitimate organisations.⚠ Follow-up phone calls from individuals impersonating IT team members offer assistance and prompt users to download remote monitoring software like AnyDesk or use Microsoft’s Quick Assist feature.⚠ The goal is to establish a remote connection, allowing attackers to […]

Cyber Security Cyber Threats Malware

What is Zero-Click Malware? How Do You Fight?

In today’s digital landscape, cybersecurity threats continue to evolve. They pose significant risks to individuals and organizations alike. One such threat gaining prominence is zero-click malware. This insidious form of malware requires no user interaction. It can silently compromise devices and networks. One example of this type of attack happened due to a missed call. […]