Cyber Security Cyber Threats

10 Cybersecurity Mistakes of Small Companies     

Cybercriminals can launch very sophisticated attacks. But it’s often lax cybersecurity practices that enable most breaches. This is especially true when it comes to small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs). Small business owners often don’t prioritize cybersecurity measures. They may be just fully focused on growing the company. They think they have a lower data breach […]


Microsoft Windows Server 2012 & 2012 R2

Is your organisation still running on Microsoft Windows 2012 and 2012 R2? With the End of Support on October 10th, it’s time to make your environment more secure and reliable. End of Support means Microsoft will no longer provide security updates or patches, leaving your server vulnerable to new threats. Bad actors will also start […]

Technology Windows

Pros & Cons of Using Windows 365 Cloud PC

While many companies have moved most of their workflows to the cloud, there is still a key component of office operations that is location-based. This would be employee computers. Most companies still rely on desktops and laptops to allow employees to access critical software and as their main workstation. This can become inconvenient if you’re […]

Cyber Security Data Protection Data Security

What Is SaaS Ransomware & How Can You Defend

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) has revolutionized the way businesses operate. It offers convenience, scalability, and efficiency. No more dragging software from one device to another. Everyone can collaborate easily in the cloud. But alongside its benefits, SaaS brings with it potential threats. When software and data are online, they’re more vulnerable to attacks. One of the latest […]

Business Productivity Technology

Tips to Optimize a Dual-Monitor Setup

Two monitors are often better than one when it comes to getting things done efficiently. A dual-monitor setup can significantly enhance your productivity. This is true whether you’re a gamer, a creative professional, or an office wiz who loves to multitask. A study by Jon Peddie Research found that dual displays can increase productivity by […]

Business I.T MSP

What Is an MSP (Choose for Your Business)

Managing data and IT solutions in-house can be challenging and expensive. That’s why many organizations turn to MSPs. Digitalization has forced businesses to alter their operations and make IT a huge part of their day-to-day affairs. Still, some owners can’t cope with the change effectively, so they hire a managed service provider, or MSP, to […]

Microsoft Universal Print Print Management

Have You Tried Microsoft Universal Print?

In today’s digital workplace, printing remains an essential function. This is true for just about all businesses. But keeping up with your print infrastructure can be a time-consuming task. One printer down can mean work comes to a standstill. Another issue is keeping up with all those printer drivers. If firmware updates aren’t done, vulnerabilities […]

Compliance Device Security

How to reduce risk when you miss your Mobile?

Few things invoke instant panic like a missing smartphone or laptop. These devices hold a good part of our lives. This includes files, personal financials, apps, passwords, pictures, videos, and so much more. The information they hold is more personal than even that which is in your wallet. It’s because of all your digital footprints. […]

Cyber Security Cyber Threats Malware

What is Zero-Click Malware? How Do You Fight?

In today’s digital landscape, cybersecurity threats continue to evolve. They pose significant risks to individuals and organizations alike. One such threat gaining prominence is zero-click malware. This insidious form of malware requires no user interaction. It can silently compromise devices and networks. One example of this type of attack happened due to a missed call. […]

Cyber Defense Cyber Security

7 benefits of choosing a Defense-in-Depth CyberSecurity Strategy

Cybersecurity threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated and prevalent. In 2022, ransomware attacks jumped by 93%. The introduction of ChatGPT will only increase the potential damage of cyber-attacks. Protecting sensitive data and systems requires a comprehensive approach. One that goes beyond a single security solution. This is where a defense-in-depth cybersecurity strategy comes into play. In […]

Microsoft 365 Technology

7 Pro Tips for Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 is the most popular of all major office productivity software. It has 48.8% of the global market share, just edging out Google’s apps, by a couple of percentage points. It’s used by individuals, small & mid-sized businesses, and larger enterprise organizations. It does everything a modern office needs. Including from word processing and […]